Array | | Tokens related to arrays of strings. |
Count | [array:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [array:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [array:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [array:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Count | [array:keys:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [array:keys:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [array:keys:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Last | [array:keys:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [array:keys:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Count | [array:keys:reversed:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [array:keys:reversed:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [array:keys:reversed:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Last | [array:keys:reversed:last] | The last element of the array. |
Value | [array:keys:reversed:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Value | [array:keys:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Last | [array:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [array:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Count | [array:reversed:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [array:reversed:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [array:reversed:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [array:reversed:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Count | [array:reversed:keys:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [array:reversed:keys:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [array:reversed:keys:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Last | [array:reversed:keys:last] | The last element of the array. |
Value | [array:reversed:keys:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Last | [array:reversed:last] | The last element of the array. |
Value | [array:reversed:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Value | [array:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Content | [comment:body] | The formatted content of the comment itself. |
Body | [comment:node:body] | The main body text of the node. |
Body | [comment:node:original:body] | The main body text of the node. |
Body | [comment:node:source:body] | The main body text of the node. |
Content | [comment:original:body] | The formatted content of the comment itself. |
Body | [comment:original:node:body] | The main body text of the node. |
Content | [comment:original:parent:body] | The formatted content of the comment itself. |
Content | [comment:parent:body] | The formatted content of the comment itself. |
Body | [comment:parent:node:body] | The main body text of the node. |
Content | [comment:parent:original:body] | The formatted content of the comment itself. |
Content types | | Tokens related to content types. |
Description | [content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Edit URL | [content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
Name | [content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
Current date | | Tokens related to the current date and time. |
Custom format | [current-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [current-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [current-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [current-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [current-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [current-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Current domain | | Tokens related to the current domain. |
Domain URL | [current-domain:url] | The domain's URL, lowercased and with only alphanumeric characters. |
Domain id | [current-domain:id] | The domain ID. |
Domain name | [current-domain:name] | The domain name. |
Subdomain | [current-domain:subdomain] | The subdomain, lowercased and with only alphanumeric characters. Only works with * formats |
Current page | | Tokens related to the current page request. |
Page Title | [current-page:page-title] | The title of the current page, as processed by the Page Title module. |
Page number | [current-page:page-number] | The page number of the current page when viewing paged lists. |
Query string value | [current-page:query:?] | The value of a specific query string field of the current page. |
Title | [current-page:title] | The title of the current page. |
URL | [current-page:url] | The URL of the current page. |
Absolute URL | [current-page:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-page:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Count | [current-page:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [current-page:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-page:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [current-page:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [current-page:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-page:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [current-page:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Brief URL | [current-page:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [current-page:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [current-page:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [current-page:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [current-page:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-page:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [current-page:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [current-page:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [current-page:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
Current user | | Tokens related to the currently logged in user. |
Account cancellation URL | [current-user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Created | [current-user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Custom format | [current-user:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [current-user:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [current-user:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [current-user:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [current-user:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Edit URL | [current-user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [current-user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
IP address | [current-user:ip-address] | The IP address of the current user. |
Last login | [current-user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Custom format | [current-user:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [current-user:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [current-user:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [current-user:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [current-user:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Location | [current-user:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [current-user:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
City | [current-user:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country | [current-user:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [current-user:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [current-user:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [current-user:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [current-user:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [current-user:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province | [current-user:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [current-user:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [current-user:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [current-user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [current-user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [current-user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [current-user:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Created | [current-user:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Custom format | [current-user:original:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [current-user:original:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [current-user:original:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:original:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [current-user:original:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [current-user:original:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Edit URL | [current-user:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [current-user:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Last login | [current-user:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Custom format | [current-user:original:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [current-user:original:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [current-user:original:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:original:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [current-user:original:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [current-user:original:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Location | [current-user:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [current-user:original:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
City | [current-user:original:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country | [current-user:original:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [current-user:original:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [current-user:original:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [current-user:original:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [current-user:original:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [current-user:original:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province | [current-user:original:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [current-user:original:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [current-user:original:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [current-user:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [current-user:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Picture | [current-user:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [current-user:original:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [current-user:original:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File ID | [current-user:original:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
File byte size | [current-user:original:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [current-user:original:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
File size | [current-user:original:picture:size] | The size of the file. |
MIME type | [current-user:original:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Owner | [current-user:original:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
Path | [current-user:original:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
Timestamp | [current-user:original:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
URL | [current-user:original:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
Roles | [current-user:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
Count | [current-user:original:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [current-user:original:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:original:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [current-user:original:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [current-user:original:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-user:original:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [current-user:original:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
URL | [current-user:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [current-user:original:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-user:original:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [current-user:original:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [current-user:original:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [current-user:original:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [current-user:original:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
User ID | [current-user:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
Picture | [current-user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [current-user:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [current-user:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File ID | [current-user:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
File byte size | [current-user:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [current-user:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
File size | [current-user:picture:size] | The size of the file. |
MIME type | [current-user:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original file | [current-user:picture:original] | The original file data if the file is being updated or saved. |
Base name | [current-user:picture:original:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [current-user:picture:original:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File ID | [current-user:picture:original:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
File byte size | [current-user:picture:original:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [current-user:picture:original:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
File size | [current-user:picture:original:size] | The size of the file. |
MIME type | [current-user:picture:original:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Owner | [current-user:picture:original:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
Path | [current-user:picture:original:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
Timestamp | [current-user:picture:original:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
URL | [current-user:picture:original:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
Owner | [current-user:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
Account cancellation URL | [current-user:picture:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Created | [current-user:picture:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Edit URL | [current-user:picture:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [current-user:picture:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Last login | [current-user:picture:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Location | [current-user:picture:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [current-user:picture:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [current-user:picture:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [current-user:picture:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [current-user:picture:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [current-user:picture:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [current-user:picture:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
Path | [current-user:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
Timestamp | [current-user:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
Custom format | [current-user:picture:timestamp:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [current-user:picture:timestamp:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [current-user:picture:timestamp:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:picture:timestamp:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [current-user:picture:timestamp:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [current-user:picture:timestamp:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
URL | [current-user:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
Roles | [current-user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
Count | [current-user:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [current-user:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [current-user:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Count | [current-user:roles:keys:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [current-user:roles:keys:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:roles:keys:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Last | [current-user:roles:keys:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-user:roles:keys:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [current-user:roles:keys:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Last | [current-user:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-user:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Count | [current-user:roles:reversed:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [current-user:roles:reversed:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:roles:reversed:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [current-user:roles:reversed:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [current-user:roles:reversed:last] | The last element of the array. |
Value | [current-user:roles:reversed:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Value | [current-user:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
URL | [current-user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [current-user:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-user:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Count | [current-user:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [current-user:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [current-user:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [current-user:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-user:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [current-user:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Brief URL | [current-user:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [current-user:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [current-user:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [current-user:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [current-user:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-user:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [current-user:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [current-user:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [current-user:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
User ID | [current-user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
Dates | | Tokens related to times and dates. |
Custom format | [date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Default domain | | Tokens related to the default domain. |
Domain URL | [default-domain:url] | The domain's URL, lowercased and with only alphanumeric characters. |
Domain id | [default-domain:id] | The domain ID. |
Domain name | [default-domain:name] | The domain name. |
Subdomain | [default-domain:subdomain] | The subdomain, lowercased and with only alphanumeric characters. Only works with * formats |
Domains | | Tokens related to domains. |
Domain URL | [domain:url] | The domain's URL, lowercased and with only alphanumeric characters. |
Domain id | [domain:id] | The domain ID. |
Domain name | [domain:name] | The domain name. |
Subdomain | [domain:subdomain] | The subdomain, lowercased and with only alphanumeric characters. Only works with * formats |
Files | | Tokens related to uploaded files. |
Base name | [file:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [file:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File ID | [file:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
File byte size | [file:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [file:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
File size | [file:size] | The size of the file. |
MIME type | [file:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original file | [file:original] | The original file data if the file is being updated or saved. |
Base name | [file:original:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [file:original:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File ID | [file:original:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
File byte size | [file:original:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [file:original:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
File size | [file:original:size] | The size of the file. |
MIME type | [file:original:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Owner | [file:original:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
Account cancellation URL | [file:original:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Created | [file:original:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Edit URL | [file:original:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [file:original:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Last login | [file:original:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Location | [file:original:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [file:original:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [file:original:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Picture | [file:original:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Roles | [file:original:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [file:original:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [file:original:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
Path | [file:original:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
Timestamp | [file:original:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
Custom format | [file:original:timestamp:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [file:original:timestamp:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [file:original:timestamp:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [file:original:timestamp:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [file:original:timestamp:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [file:original:timestamp:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
URL | [file:original:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
Owner | [file:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
Account cancellation URL | [file:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Created | [file:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Custom format | [file:owner:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [file:owner:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [file:owner:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [file:owner:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [file:owner:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [file:owner:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Edit URL | [file:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [file:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Last login | [file:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Custom format | [file:owner:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [file:owner:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [file:owner:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [file:owner:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [file:owner:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [file:owner:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Location | [file:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [file:owner:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
City | [file:owner:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country | [file:owner:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [file:owner:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [file:owner:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [file:owner:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [file:owner:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [file:owner:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province | [file:owner:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [file:owner:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [file:owner:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [file:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [file:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [file:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [file:owner:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Created | [file:owner:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Edit URL | [file:owner:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [file:owner:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Last login | [file:owner:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Location | [file:owner:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [file:owner:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [file:owner:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Picture | [file:owner:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Roles | [file:owner:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [file:owner:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [file:owner:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
Picture | [file:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [file:owner:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [file:owner:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File ID | [file:owner:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
File byte size | [file:owner:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [file:owner:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
File size | [file:owner:picture:size] | The size of the file. |
MIME type | [file:owner:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original file | [file:owner:picture:original] | The original file data if the file is being updated or saved. |
Path | [file:owner:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
Timestamp | [file:owner:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
URL | [file:owner:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
Roles | [file:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
Count | [file:owner:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [file:owner:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [file:owner:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [file:owner:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [file:owner:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [file:owner:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [file:owner:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
URL | [file:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [file:owner:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [file:owner:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [file:owner:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [file:owner:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [file:owner:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [file:owner:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
User ID | [file:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
Path | [file:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
Timestamp | [file:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
Custom format | [file:timestamp:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [file:timestamp:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [file:timestamp:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [file:timestamp:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [file:timestamp:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [file:timestamp:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
URL | [file:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
Location | | Tokens related to location. |
Additional | [location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
City | [location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country | [location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province | [location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Nodes | | Tokens related to individual content items, or "nodes". |
(Meta)Description | [node:meta_description] | Meta field. |
(Meta)Keywords | [node:meta_keywords] | Meta field. |
(Meta)Revisit after | [node:meta_revisit_after] | Meta field. |
(Meta)Robots | [node:meta_robots] | Meta field. |
Affiliation | [node:field_schemaorg_affiliation] | Text field. |
Author | [node:author] | The author of the node. |
Account cancellation URL | [node:author:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Created | [node:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Custom format | [node:author:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [node:author:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [node:author:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [node:author:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [node:author:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [node:author:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Edit URL | [node:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [node:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Last login | [node:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Custom format | [node:author:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [node:author:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [node:author:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [node:author:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [node:author:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [node:author:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Location | [node:author:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [node:author:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
City | [node:author:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country | [node:author:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [node:author:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [node:author:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [node:author:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [node:author:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [node:author:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province | [node:author:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [node:author:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [node:author:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [node:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [node:author:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [node:author:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [node:author:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Created | [node:author:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Edit URL | [node:author:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [node:author:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Last login | [node:author:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Location | [node:author:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [node:author:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [node:author:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Picture | [node:author:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Roles | [node:author:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [node:author:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [node:author:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
Picture | [node:author:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [node:author:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [node:author:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File ID | [node:author:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
File byte size | [node:author:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [node:author:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
File size | [node:author:picture:size] | The size of the file. |
MIME type | [node:author:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original file | [node:author:picture:original] | The original file data if the file is being updated or saved. |
Owner | [node:author:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
Path | [node:author:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
Timestamp | [node:author:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
URL | [node:author:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
Roles | [node:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
Count | [node:author:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [node:author:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [node:author:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [node:author:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [node:author:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [node:author:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [node:author:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
URL | [node:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [node:author:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:author:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:author:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [node:author:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [node:author:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:author:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
User ID | [node:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
Bio | [node:field_schemaorg_bio] | Long text and summary field. |
Body | [node:body] | The main body text of the node. |
Book | [node:book] | The book page associated with the node. |
Edit URL | [node:book:edit-url] | The URL of the menu link's edit page. |
Link ID | [node:book:mlid] | The unique ID of the menu link. |
Parent | [node:book:parent] | The menu link's parent. |
Edit URL | [node:book:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the menu link's edit page. |
Link ID | [node:book:parent:mlid] | The unique ID of the menu link. |
Parents | [node:book:parent:parents] | An array of all the menu link's parents, starting with the root. |
Root | [node:book:parent:root] | The menu link's root. |
Title | [node:book:parent:title] | The title of the menu link. |
URL | [node:book:parent:url] | The URL of the menu link. |
Parents | [node:book:parents] | An array of all the menu link's parents, starting with the root. |
Count | [node:book:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [node:book:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [node:book:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [node:book:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [node:book:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [node:book:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [node:book:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Root | [node:book:root] | The menu link's root. |
Edit URL | [node:book:root:edit-url] | The URL of the menu link's edit page. |
Link ID | [node:book:root:mlid] | The unique ID of the menu link. |
Parent | [node:book:root:parent] | The menu link's parent. |
Parents | [node:book:root:parents] | An array of all the menu link's parents, starting with the root. |
Title | [node:book:root:title] | The title of the menu link. |
URL | [node:book:root:url] | The URL of the menu link. |
Title | [node:book:title] | The title of the menu link. |
URL | [node:book:url] | The URL of the menu link. |
Absolute URL | [node:book:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:book:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:book:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [node:book:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [node:book:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:book:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Content ID | [node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content type | [node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description | [node:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Edit URL | [node:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [node:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
Name | [node:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [node:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
Date changed | [node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Custom format | [node:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [node:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [node:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [node:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [node:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [node:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Date created | [node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Custom format | [node:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [node:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [node:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [node:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [node:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [node:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Description | [node:field_schemaorg_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Edit URL | [node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Featured Image | [node:field_featured_image] | Image field. |
Forums | [node:taxonomy_forums] | Term reference field. |
Image | [node:field_image] | Image field. |
Image upload | [node:field_image_upload] | Image field. |
Job Title | [node:field_schemaorg_jobtitle] | Text field. |
Language | [node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [node:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Custom format | [node:last-view:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [node:last-view:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [node:last-view:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [node:last-view:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [node:last-view:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [node:last-view:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Location | [node:field_location] | Text field. |
Location | [node:location] | The location for this node. |
Additional | [node:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
City | [node:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country | [node:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [node:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [node:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [node:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [node:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [node:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province | [node:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [node:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [node:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Number of views | [node:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
Original content | [node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
(Meta)Description | [node:original:meta_description] | Meta field. |
(Meta)Keywords | [node:original:meta_keywords] | Meta field. |
(Meta)Revisit after | [node:original:meta_revisit_after] | Meta field. |
(Meta)Robots | [node:original:meta_robots] | Meta field. |
Affiliation | [node:original:field_schemaorg_affiliation] | Text field. |
Author | [node:original:author] | The author of the node. |
Account cancellation URL | [node:original:author:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Created | [node:original:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Edit URL | [node:original:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [node:original:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Last login | [node:original:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Location | [node:original:author:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [node:original:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [node:original:author:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Picture | [node:original:author:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Roles | [node:original:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [node:original:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [node:original:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
Bio | [node:original:field_schemaorg_bio] | Long text and summary field. |
Body | [node:original:body] | The main body text of the node. |
Book | [node:original:book] | The book page associated with the node. |
Edit URL | [node:original:book:edit-url] | The URL of the menu link's edit page. |
Link ID | [node:original:book:mlid] | The unique ID of the menu link. |
Parent | [node:original:book:parent] | The menu link's parent. |
Parents | [node:original:book:parents] | An array of all the menu link's parents, starting with the root. |
Root | [node:original:book:root] | The menu link's root. |
Title | [node:original:book:title] | The title of the menu link. |
URL | [node:original:book:url] | The URL of the menu link. |
Content ID | [node:original:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content type | [node:original:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description | [node:original:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Edit URL | [node:original:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [node:original:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
Name | [node:original:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [node:original:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
Date changed | [node:original:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Custom format | [node:original:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [node:original:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [node:original:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [node:original:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [node:original:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [node:original:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Date created | [node:original:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Custom format | [node:original:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [node:original:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [node:original:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [node:original:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [node:original:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [node:original:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Description | [node:original:field_schemaorg_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Edit URL | [node:original:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Featured Image | [node:original:field_featured_image] | Image field. |
Forums | [node:original:taxonomy_forums] | Term reference field. |
Image | [node:original:field_image] | Image field. |
Image upload | [node:original:field_image_upload] | Image field. |
Job Title | [node:original:field_schemaorg_jobtitle] | Text field. |
Language | [node:original:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [node:original:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Custom format | [node:original:last-view:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [node:original:last-view:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [node:original:last-view:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [node:original:last-view:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [node:original:last-view:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [node:original:last-view:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Location | [node:original:field_location] | Text field. |
Location | [node:original:location] | The location for this node. |
Additional | [node:original:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
City | [node:original:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country | [node:original:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [node:original:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [node:original:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [node:original:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [node:original:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [node:original:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province | [node:original:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [node:original:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [node:original:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Number of views | [node:original:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
Photo | [node:original:field_schemaorg_photo] | Image field. |
Poll duration | [node:original:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
Poll votes | [node:original:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [node:original:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [node:original:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [node:original:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Revision ID | [node:original:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:original:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Summary | [node:original:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:original:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:original:title] | The title of the node. |
Translation source node | [node:original:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
(Meta)Description | [node:original:source:meta_description] | Meta field. |
(Meta)Keywords | [node:original:source:meta_keywords] | Meta field. |
(Meta)Revisit after | [node:original:source:meta_revisit_after] | Meta field. |
(Meta)Robots | [node:original:source:meta_robots] | Meta field. |
Affiliation | [node:original:source:field_schemaorg_affiliation] | Text field. |
Author | [node:original:source:author] | The author of the node. |
Bio | [node:original:source:field_schemaorg_bio] | Long text and summary field. |
Body | [node:original:source:body] | The main body text of the node. |
Book | [node:original:source:book] | The book page associated with the node. |
Content ID | [node:original:source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content type | [node:original:source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Date changed | [node:original:source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:original:source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:original:source:field_schemaorg_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Edit URL | [node:original:source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Featured Image | [node:original:source:field_featured_image] | Image field. |
Forums | [node:original:source:taxonomy_forums] | Term reference field. |
Image | [node:original:source:field_image] | Image field. |
Image upload | [node:original:source:field_image_upload] | Image field. |
Job Title | [node:original:source:field_schemaorg_jobtitle] | Text field. |
Language | [node:original:source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [node:original:source:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Location | [node:original:source:field_location] | Text field. |
Location | [node:original:source:location] | The location for this node. |
Number of views | [node:original:source:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
Photo | [node:original:source:field_schemaorg_photo] | Image field. |
Poll duration | [node:original:source:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
Poll votes | [node:original:source:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [node:original:source:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [node:original:source:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [node:original:source:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Revision ID | [node:original:source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:original:source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Summary | [node:original:source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:original:source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:original:source:title] | The title of the node. |
URL | [node:original:source:url] | The URL of the node. |
Video upload | [node:original:source:field_video_upload] | File field. |
Views today | [node:original:source:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
address | [node:original:source:field_address] | Text field. |
bio | [node:original:source:field_bio] | Long text and summary field. |
geo_latitude | [node:original:source:field_geo] | Text field. |
geo_longitude | [node:original:source:field_geo_longitude] | Text field. |
logo_image | [node:original:source:field_logo_image] | Image field. |
name | [node:original:source:field_name] | Text field. |
org_location | [node:original:source:field_org_location] | Text field. |
postal_code | [node:original:source:field_postal_code] | Text field. |
role | [node:original:source:field_schemaorg_role] | Text field. |
site_image | [node:original:source:field_site_image] | Image field. |
site_name | [node:original:source:field_site_name] | Text field. |
site_type | [node:original:source:field_site_type] | Text field. |
site_url | [node:original:source:field_site_url] | Text field. |
tel | [node:original:source:field_tel] | Text field. |
url | [node:original:source:field_schemaorg_url] | Text field. |
url | [node:original:source:field_url] | Text field. |
URL | [node:original:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [node:original:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:original:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:original:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [node:original:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [node:original:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:original:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Video upload | [node:original:field_video_upload] | File field. |
Views today | [node:original:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
address | [node:original:field_address] | Text field. |
bio | [node:original:field_bio] | Long text and summary field. |
geo_latitude | [node:original:field_geo] | Text field. |
geo_longitude | [node:original:field_geo_longitude] | Text field. |
logo_image | [node:original:field_logo_image] | Image field. |
name | [node:original:field_name] | Text field. |
org_location | [node:original:field_org_location] | Text field. |
postal_code | [node:original:field_postal_code] | Text field. |
role | [node:original:field_schemaorg_role] | Text field. |
site_image | [node:original:field_site_image] | Image field. |
site_name | [node:original:field_site_name] | Text field. |
site_type | [node:original:field_site_type] | Text field. |
site_url | [node:original:field_site_url] | Text field. |
tel | [node:original:field_tel] | Text field. |
url | [node:original:field_schemaorg_url] | Text field. |
url | [node:original:field_url] | Text field. |
Photo | [node:field_schemaorg_photo] | Image field. |
Poll duration | [node:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
Poll votes | [node:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [node:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [node:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [node:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Revision ID | [node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Summary | [node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:title] | The title of the node. |
Translation source node | [node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
(Meta)Description | [node:source:meta_description] | Meta field. |
(Meta)Keywords | [node:source:meta_keywords] | Meta field. |
(Meta)Revisit after | [node:source:meta_revisit_after] | Meta field. |
(Meta)Robots | [node:source:meta_robots] | Meta field. |
Affiliation | [node:source:field_schemaorg_affiliation] | Text field. |
Author | [node:source:author] | The author of the node. |
Account cancellation URL | [node:source:author:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Created | [node:source:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Edit URL | [node:source:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [node:source:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Last login | [node:source:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Location | [node:source:author:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [node:source:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [node:source:author:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [node:source:author:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Picture | [node:source:author:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Roles | [node:source:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [node:source:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [node:source:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
Bio | [node:source:field_schemaorg_bio] | Long text and summary field. |
Body | [node:source:body] | The main body text of the node. |
Book | [node:source:book] | The book page associated with the node. |
Edit URL | [node:source:book:edit-url] | The URL of the menu link's edit page. |
Link ID | [node:source:book:mlid] | The unique ID of the menu link. |
Parent | [node:source:book:parent] | The menu link's parent. |
Parents | [node:source:book:parents] | An array of all the menu link's parents, starting with the root. |
Root | [node:source:book:root] | The menu link's root. |
Title | [node:source:book:title] | The title of the menu link. |
URL | [node:source:book:url] | The URL of the menu link. |
Content ID | [node:source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content type | [node:source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description | [node:source:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Edit URL | [node:source:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [node:source:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
Name | [node:source:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [node:source:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
Date changed | [node:source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Custom format | [node:source:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [node:source:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [node:source:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [node:source:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [node:source:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [node:source:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Date created | [node:source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Custom format | [node:source:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [node:source:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [node:source:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [node:source:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [node:source:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [node:source:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Description | [node:source:field_schemaorg_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Edit URL | [node:source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Featured Image | [node:source:field_featured_image] | Image field. |
Forums | [node:source:taxonomy_forums] | Term reference field. |
Image | [node:source:field_image] | Image field. |
Image upload | [node:source:field_image_upload] | Image field. |
Job Title | [node:source:field_schemaorg_jobtitle] | Text field. |
Language | [node:source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [node:source:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Custom format | [node:source:last-view:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [node:source:last-view:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [node:source:last-view:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [node:source:last-view:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [node:source:last-view:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [node:source:last-view:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Location | [node:source:field_location] | Text field. |
Location | [node:source:location] | The location for this node. |
Additional | [node:source:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
City | [node:source:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country | [node:source:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [node:source:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [node:source:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [node:source:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [node:source:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [node:source:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province | [node:source:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [node:source:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [node:source:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Number of views | [node:source:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
Original content | [node:source:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
(Meta)Description | [node:source:original:meta_description] | Meta field. |
(Meta)Keywords | [node:source:original:meta_keywords] | Meta field. |
(Meta)Revisit after | [node:source:original:meta_revisit_after] | Meta field. |
(Meta)Robots | [node:source:original:meta_robots] | Meta field. |
Affiliation | [node:source:original:field_schemaorg_affiliation] | Text field. |
Author | [node:source:original:author] | The author of the node. |
Bio | [node:source:original:field_schemaorg_bio] | Long text and summary field. |
Body | [node:source:original:body] | The main body text of the node. |
Book | [node:source:original:book] | The book page associated with the node. |
Content ID | [node:source:original:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content type | [node:source:original:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Date changed | [node:source:original:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:source:original:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:source:original:field_schemaorg_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Edit URL | [node:source:original:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Featured Image | [node:source:original:field_featured_image] | Image field. |
Forums | [node:source:original:taxonomy_forums] | Term reference field. |
Image | [node:source:original:field_image] | Image field. |
Image upload | [node:source:original:field_image_upload] | Image field. |
Job Title | [node:source:original:field_schemaorg_jobtitle] | Text field. |
Language | [node:source:original:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [node:source:original:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Location | [node:source:original:field_location] | Text field. |
Location | [node:source:original:location] | The location for this node. |
Number of views | [node:source:original:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
Photo | [node:source:original:field_schemaorg_photo] | Image field. |
Poll duration | [node:source:original:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
Poll votes | [node:source:original:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [node:source:original:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [node:source:original:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [node:source:original:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Revision ID | [node:source:original:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:source:original:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Summary | [node:source:original:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:source:original:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:source:original:title] | The title of the node. |
URL | [node:source:original:url] | The URL of the node. |
Video upload | [node:source:original:field_video_upload] | File field. |
Views today | [node:source:original:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
address | [node:source:original:field_address] | Text field. |
bio | [node:source:original:field_bio] | Long text and summary field. |
geo_latitude | [node:source:original:field_geo] | Text field. |
geo_longitude | [node:source:original:field_geo_longitude] | Text field. |
logo_image | [node:source:original:field_logo_image] | Image field. |
name | [node:source:original:field_name] | Text field. |
org_location | [node:source:original:field_org_location] | Text field. |
postal_code | [node:source:original:field_postal_code] | Text field. |
role | [node:source:original:field_schemaorg_role] | Text field. |
site_image | [node:source:original:field_site_image] | Image field. |
site_name | [node:source:original:field_site_name] | Text field. |
site_type | [node:source:original:field_site_type] | Text field. |
site_url | [node:source:original:field_site_url] | Text field. |
tel | [node:source:original:field_tel] | Text field. |
url | [node:source:original:field_schemaorg_url] | Text field. |
url | [node:source:original:field_url] | Text field. |
Photo | [node:source:field_schemaorg_photo] | Image field. |
Poll duration | [node:source:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
Poll votes | [node:source:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [node:source:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [node:source:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [node:source:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Revision ID | [node:source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Summary | [node:source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:source:title] | The title of the node. |
URL | [node:source:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [node:source:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:source:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:source:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [node:source:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [node:source:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:source:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Video upload | [node:source:field_video_upload] | File field. |
Views today | [node:source:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
address | [node:source:field_address] | Text field. |
bio | [node:source:field_bio] | Long text and summary field. |
geo_latitude | [node:source:field_geo] | Text field. |
geo_longitude | [node:source:field_geo_longitude] | Text field. |
logo_image | [node:source:field_logo_image] | Image field. |
name | [node:source:field_name] | Text field. |
org_location | [node:source:field_org_location] | Text field. |
postal_code | [node:source:field_postal_code] | Text field. |
role | [node:source:field_schemaorg_role] | Text field. |
site_image | [node:source:field_site_image] | Image field. |
site_name | [node:source:field_site_name] | Text field. |
site_type | [node:source:field_site_type] | Text field. |
site_url | [node:source:field_site_url] | Text field. |
tel | [node:source:field_tel] | Text field. |
url | [node:source:field_schemaorg_url] | Text field. |
url | [node:source:field_url] | Text field. |
URL | [node:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [node:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Count | [node:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [node:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [node:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [node:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [node:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [node:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [node:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Brief URL | [node:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [node:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [node:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [node:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [node:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [node:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
Video upload | [node:field_video_upload] | File field. |
Views today | [node:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
address | [node:field_address] | Text field. |
bio | [node:field_bio] | Long text and summary field. |
geo_latitude | [node:field_geo] | Text field. |
geo_longitude | [node:field_geo_longitude] | Text field. |
logo_image | [node:field_logo_image] | Image field. |
name | [node:field_name] | Text field. |
org_location | [node:field_org_location] | Text field. |
postal_code | [node:field_postal_code] | Text field. |
role | [node:field_schemaorg_role] | Text field. |
site_image | [node:field_site_image] | Image field. |
site_name | [node:field_site_name] | Text field. |
site_type | [node:field_site_type] | Text field. |
site_url | [node:field_site_url] | Text field. |
tel | [node:field_tel] | Text field. |
url | [node:field_schemaorg_url] | Text field. |
url | [node:field_url] | Text field. |
Random | | Tokens related to random data. |
Hash | [random:hash:?] | A random hash. The possible hashing algorithms are: md2, md4, md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, ripemd128, ripemd160, ripemd256, ripemd320, whirlpool, tiger128,3, tiger160,3, tiger192,3, tiger128,4, tiger160,4, tiger192,4, snefru, gost, adler32, crc32, crc32b, haval128,3, haval160,3, haval192,3, haval224,3, haval256,3, haval128,4, haval160,4, haval192,4, haval224,4, haval256,4, haval128,5, haval160,5, haval192,5, haval224,5, haval256,5. |
Number | [random:number] | A random number from 0 to 2147483647. |
Site information | | Tokens for site-wide settings and other global information. |
Email | [site:mail] | The administrative email address for the site. |
Login page | [site:login-url] | The URL of the site's login page. |
Name | [site:name] | The name of the site. |
Slogan | [site:slogan] | The slogan of the site. |
URL | [site:url] | The URL of the site's front page. |
URL (brief) | [site:url-brief] | The URL of the site's front page without the protocol. |
Taxonomy terms | | Tokens related to taxonomy terms. |
Description | [term:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [term:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Name | [term:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [term:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Description | [term:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Description (localized) | [term:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [term:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Name | [term:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [term:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [term:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Count | [term:original:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [term:original:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [term:original:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [term:original:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [term:original:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [term:original:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [term:original:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Parent term | [term:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Description | [term:original:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Description (localized) | [term:original:parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [term:original:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Name | [term:original:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:original:parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [term:original:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [term:original:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:original:parent:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [term:original:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [term:original:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:original:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [term:original:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:original:parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:original:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Description | [term:original:i18n-parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Description (localized) | [term:original:i18n-parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [term:original:i18n-parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Name | [term:original:i18n-parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:original:i18n-parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [term:original:i18n-parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [term:original:i18n-parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [term:original:i18n-parent:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [term:original:i18n-parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [term:original:i18n-parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:original:i18n-parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [term:original:i18n-parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:original:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Root term | [term:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Description | [term:original:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Description (localized) | [term:original:root:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [term:original:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Name | [term:original:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:original:root:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [term:original:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [term:original:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [term:original:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:original:root:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Term ID | [term:original:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:original:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [term:original:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:original:root:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Term ID | [term:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [term:original:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [term:original:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [term:original:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [term:original:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [term:original:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [term:original:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Vocabulary | [term:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [term:original:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Description (localized) | [term:original:vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [term:original:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [term:original:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [term:original:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:original:vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:original:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term count | [term:original:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:original:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Description (localized) | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term count | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Parents | [term:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Count | [term:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [term:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [term:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [term:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Count | [term:parents:keys:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [term:parents:keys:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [term:parents:keys:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Last | [term:parents:keys:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [term:parents:keys:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [term:parents:keys:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Last | [term:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [term:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Count | [term:parents:reversed:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [term:parents:reversed:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [term:parents:reversed:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [term:parents:reversed:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [term:parents:reversed:last] | The last element of the array. |
Value | [term:parents:reversed:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Value | [term:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Parent term | [term:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Description | [term:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Description (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [term:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Name | [term:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [term:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Description | [term:parent:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Description (localized) | [term:parent:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [term:parent:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Name | [term:parent:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:parent:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [term:parent:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [term:parent:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:parent:original:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [term:parent:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [term:parent:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:parent:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [term:parent:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:parent:original:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Parents | [term:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Count | [term:parent:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [term:parent:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [term:parent:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [term:parent:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [term:parent:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [term:parent:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [term:parent:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Description | [term:parent:i18n-parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Description (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [term:parent:i18n-parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Name | [term:parent:i18n-parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [term:parent:i18n-parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:parent:i18n-parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [term:parent:i18n-parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Root term | [term:parent:i18n-parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [term:parent:i18n-parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:parent:i18n-parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [term:parent:i18n-parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Root term | [term:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Description | [term:parent:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Description (localized) | [term:parent:root:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [term:parent:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Name | [term:parent:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:parent:root:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [term:parent:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:parent:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [term:parent:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:parent:root:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Term ID | [term:parent:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:parent:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [term:parent:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:parent:root:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Term ID | [term:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [term:parent:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [term:parent:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [term:parent:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [term:parent:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [term:parent:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [term:parent:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Vocabulary | [term:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [term:parent:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Description (localized) | [term:parent:vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [term:parent:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [term:parent:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [term:parent:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:parent:vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:parent:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [term:parent:vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [term:parent:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:parent:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Description (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Description | [term:i18n-parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [term:i18n-parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Name | [term:i18n-parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [term:i18n-parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:i18n-parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Description | [term:i18n-parent:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [term:i18n-parent:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Name | [term:i18n-parent:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [term:i18n-parent:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [term:i18n-parent:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [term:i18n-parent:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [term:i18n-parent:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [term:i18n-parent:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:i18n-parent:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [term:i18n-parent:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:original:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Parents | [term:i18n-parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Count | [term:i18n-parent:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [term:i18n-parent:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [term:i18n-parent:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [term:i18n-parent:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [term:i18n-parent:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [term:i18n-parent:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [term:i18n-parent:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Parent term | [term:i18n-parent:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Description | [term:i18n-parent:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [term:i18n-parent:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Name | [term:i18n-parent:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [term:i18n-parent:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:i18n-parent:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [term:i18n-parent:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Root term | [term:i18n-parent:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [term:i18n-parent:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:i18n-parent:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [term:i18n-parent:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Root term | [term:i18n-parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Description | [term:i18n-parent:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:root:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [term:i18n-parent:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Name | [term:i18n-parent:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:root:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [term:i18n-parent:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:i18n-parent:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [term:i18n-parent:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [term:i18n-parent:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Term ID | [term:i18n-parent:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:i18n-parent:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [term:i18n-parent:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:root:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Term ID | [term:i18n-parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:i18n-parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [term:i18n-parent:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [term:i18n-parent:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [term:i18n-parent:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [term:i18n-parent:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [term:i18n-parent:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [term:i18n-parent:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Vocabulary | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Root term | [term:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Description | [term:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Description (localized) | [term:root:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [term:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Name | [term:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:root:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [term:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Description | [term:root:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Description (localized) | [term:root:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [term:root:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Name | [term:root:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:root:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [term:root:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [term:root:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [term:root:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:root:original:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Term ID | [term:root:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:root:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [term:root:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:root:original:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Parents | [term:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Count | [term:root:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [term:root:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [term:root:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [term:root:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [term:root:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [term:root:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [term:root:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Parent term | [term:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Description | [term:root:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Description (localized) | [term:root:parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [term:root:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Name | [term:root:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:root:parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [term:root:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:root:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [term:root:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:root:parent:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Term ID | [term:root:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:root:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [term:root:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:root:parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:root:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Description | [term:root:i18n-parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Description (localized) | [term:root:i18n-parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [term:root:i18n-parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Name | [term:root:i18n-parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:root:i18n-parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [term:root:i18n-parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:root:i18n-parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [term:root:i18n-parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [term:root:i18n-parent:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Term ID | [term:root:i18n-parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:root:i18n-parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [term:root:i18n-parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:root:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Term ID | [term:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [term:root:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [term:root:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [term:root:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [term:root:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [term:root:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [term:root:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Vocabulary | [term:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [term:root:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Description (localized) | [term:root:vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [term:root:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [term:root:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [term:root:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:root:vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:root:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [term:root:vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [term:root:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:root:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Description (localized) | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term ID | [term:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [term:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [term:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Count | [term:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [term:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [term:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [term:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [term:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [term:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [term:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Brief URL | [term:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [term:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [term:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [term:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [term:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [term:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [term:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [term:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [term:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
Vocabulary | [term:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [term:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Description (localized) | [term:vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [term:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [term:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [term:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [term:vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Description | [term:vocabulary:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Description (localized) | [term:vocabulary:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [term:vocabulary:original:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [term:vocabulary:original:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [term:vocabulary:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:vocabulary:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:vocabulary:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term count | [term:vocabulary:original:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:vocabulary:original:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term count | [term:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [term:i18n-vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [term:i18n-vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [term:i18n-vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [term:i18n-vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:i18n-vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Description | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term count | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term count | [term:i18n-vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:i18n-vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
URL | | Tokens related to URLs. |
Absolute URL | [url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Count | [url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Count | [url:args:keys:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [url:args:keys:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [url:args:keys:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Last | [url:args:keys:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [url:args:keys:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [url:args:keys:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Last | [url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Count | [url:args:reversed:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [url:args:reversed:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [url:args:reversed:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [url:args:reversed:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [url:args:reversed:last] | The last element of the array. |
Value | [url:args:reversed:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Value | [url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Brief URL | [url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Count | [url:unaliased:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [url:unaliased:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [url:unaliased:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [url:unaliased:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [url:unaliased:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [url:unaliased:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [url:unaliased:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Brief URL | [url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
Users | | Tokens related to individual user accounts. |
Account cancellation URL | [user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Created | [user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Custom format | [user:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [user:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [user:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [user:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [user:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [user:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Edit URL | [user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Last login | [user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Custom format | [user:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [user:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [user:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [user:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [user:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [user:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Location | [user:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [user:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
City | [user:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country | [user:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [user:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [user:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [user:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [user:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [user:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province | [user:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [user:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [user:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [user:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Created | [user:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Custom format | [user:original:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [user:original:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [user:original:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [user:original:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [user:original:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [user:original:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Edit URL | [user:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [user:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Last login | [user:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Custom format | [user:original:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [user:original:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [user:original:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [user:original:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [user:original:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [user:original:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
Location | [user:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [user:original:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
City | [user:original:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country | [user:original:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [user:original:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [user:original:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [user:original:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [user:original:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [user:original:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province | [user:original:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [user:original:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [user:original:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [user:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [user:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Picture | [user:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [user:original:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [user:original:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File ID | [user:original:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
File byte size | [user:original:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [user:original:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
File size | [user:original:picture:size] | The size of the file. |
MIME type | [user:original:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Owner | [user:original:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
Path | [user:original:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
Timestamp | [user:original:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
URL | [user:original:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
Roles | [user:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
Count | [user:original:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [user:original:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:original:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [user:original:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [user:original:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [user:original:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [user:original:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
URL | [user:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [user:original:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [user:original:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [user:original:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [user:original:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [user:original:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [user:original:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
User ID | [user:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
Picture | [user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [user:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [user:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File ID | [user:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
File byte size | [user:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [user:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
File size | [user:picture:size] | The size of the file. |
MIME type | [user:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original file | [user:picture:original] | The original file data if the file is being updated or saved. |
Base name | [user:picture:original:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [user:picture:original:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File ID | [user:picture:original:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
File byte size | [user:picture:original:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [user:picture:original:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
File size | [user:picture:original:size] | The size of the file. |
MIME type | [user:picture:original:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Owner | [user:picture:original:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
Path | [user:picture:original:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
Timestamp | [user:picture:original:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
URL | [user:picture:original:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
Owner | [user:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
Account cancellation URL | [user:picture:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Created | [user:picture:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Edit URL | [user:picture:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [user:picture:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Last login | [user:picture:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Location | [user:picture:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [user:picture:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [user:picture:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [user:picture:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [user:picture:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [user:picture:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [user:picture:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
Path | [user:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
Timestamp | [user:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
Custom format | [user:picture:timestamp:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Long format | [user:picture:timestamp:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Friday, April 24, 2020 - 08:53) |
Medium format | [user:picture:timestamp:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Fri, 04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Raw timestamp | [user:picture:timestamp:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1587732822) |
Short format | [user:picture:timestamp:short] | A date in 'short' format. (04/24/2020 - 08:53) |
Time-since | [user:picture:timestamp:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (50 years 4 months) |
URL | [user:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
Roles | [user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
Count | [user:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [user:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [user:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Count | [user:roles:keys:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [user:roles:keys:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:roles:keys:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Last | [user:roles:keys:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [user:roles:keys:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [user:roles:keys:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Last | [user:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [user:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Count | [user:roles:reversed:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [user:roles:reversed:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:roles:reversed:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [user:roles:reversed:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [user:roles:reversed:last] | The last element of the array. |
Value | [user:roles:reversed:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Value | [user:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
URL | [user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [user:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [user:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Count | [user:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [user:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Keys | [user:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [user:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [user:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [user:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Brief URL | [user:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [user:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [user:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [user:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [user:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [user:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [user:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [user:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [user:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
User ID | [user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
Variables | | Tokens for variable values. |
Anonymous user | [variable:anonymous] | The name used to indicate anonymous users. |
Default picture | [variable:user_picture_default] | URL of picture to display for users with no custom picture selected. Leave blank for none. |
Feed description | [variable:feed_description] | Description of your site, included in each feed. |
Maintenance mode message | [variable:maintenance_mode_message] | Message to show visitors when the site is in maintenance mode. |
Number | [variable:variable_example_number] | Example of numeric variable. |
Pages or PHP code | [variable:i18n_select_page_list] | Specify pages by using their paths. Enter one path per line. The '*' character is a wildcard. Example paths are blog for the blog page and blog/* for every personal blog. <front> is the front page. If the PHP option is chosen, enter PHP code between <?php ?>. Note that executing incorrect PHP code can break your Drupal site. |
Picture guidelines | [variable:user_picture_guidelines] | This text is displayed at the picture upload form in addition to the default guidelines. It's useful for helping or instructing your users. |
Picture maximum dimensions | [variable:user_picture_dimensions] | Maximum dimensions for pictures, in pixels. |
Picture maximum file size | [variable:user_picture_file_size] | Maximum file size for pictures, in kB. |
Simple text | [variable:variable_example_text] | Example of text variable. |
Site email address | [variable:site_mail] | The From address in automated e-mails sent during registration and new password requests, and other notifications. (Use an address ending in your site's domain to help prevent this e-mail being flagged as spam.) |
Site name | [variable:site_name] | The name of this website. |
Site slogan | [variable:site_slogan] | Your site's motto, tag line, or catchphrase (often displayed alongside the title of the site). |
Skip tags | [variable:i18n_select_skip_tags] | Skip queries with these tags. Enter a list of tags separated by commas. |
User registration guidelines | [variable:user_registration_help] | This text is displayed at the top of the user registration form and is useful for helping or instructing your users. |
Vocabularies | | Tokens related to taxonomy vocabularies. |
Description | [vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Description (localized) | [vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Description | [vocabulary:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Description (localized) | [vocabulary:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [vocabulary:original:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [vocabulary:original:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [vocabulary:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [vocabulary:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [vocabulary:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term count | [vocabulary:original:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [vocabulary:original:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term count | [vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
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